Benefit from the popularity of Mallorca - Sunny Homes offers the opportunity to invest in new construction projects in Mallorca with "Prime Properties"!
Depending on the scope of the project and the specific conditions, we will design an individual concept together with you. Sunny Homes takes care of the acquisition, planning, construction and sale of all projects.
Our goal is to provide diverse investment opportunities to meet the unique needs of our investors. We currently offer the following forms of participation:
For external interim financing, we cooperate with various banks and partners who complement our financing solutions.
We, Sunny Side of Life, S.L. ("Sunny Homes"), would like to point out that the information contained in this presentation is for informational purposes only. This representation is neither an advertisement nor a prospectus.
An investment is not made on the basis of this representation, but by mutual agreement and depending on the individual investment decision. The information contained in this presentation will only be made available to a limited number of authorized users and will serve as the basis for further individual conversations.
There is no obligation to publish a prospectus. Every investor should evaluate an investment independently and seek advice from their own legal, financial and tax advisors.